Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Victor Hugo, Faces Addition

For my friend C'ann, who knows how bratty am I but loves me anyway! I love you right back! We have logged some hours out in the country running mile after mile together and hour after hour watching kids play and Ive enjoyed every minute  (ok not always the running). And for Martha and Esther, who C'ann keeps in the loop! Yep, I even have Amish fans. I'm that famous. Tell Ivan we have a business card and newpaper for him!
I went to the market with the kiddos and Curtis (no school on Wednesdays) mainly because I needed something to do. I can be in the apartment with the kids for about 7 minutes before I lose my mind. Lori put together the cheeses and ingredients to make a fondue (although he told me it is not fondue weather. I guess it is like soup, but I believe it is always soup weather). I will give a full update on the fondue later. I took the kids around to show them some gross out stuff.  Also we noticed the butchers were cutting the heads and feet off the birds when people bought them.
We saw pig snout, what appeared to be leg of deer, baskets of chicken and goose heads (50 cents each- thats quite the deal), rabbits with the guts and faces in tact. We also saw a UPS truck and thought of our friends the Waltons whose dad is a driver! We looked for the driver but didnt see them.
We saw a juggler on the way back. They have a lot of street performers. The juggler was better than the lady just standing there dressed in white we saw the other day. I think I could really out perform that lady and out earn her!


  1. Your rabbit guts as you call them was just the liver. There used to be a little store at the edge of Bartlesville that we used to stop at that had very lean hamburger that we liked and they sold some different meats too, and one of the things they sold was domesticated rabbit liver. But they sold theirs wrapped in plastic so you could see it, but it didn't dry out!

    1. Liver= guts! Did you eat the rabbit liver? Id have to be way way hungry to eat that.

  2. I wouldn't know the first thing about how to cook any of that stuff.
    Rachel C

  3. I'm pretty sure I would be a vegetarian if we lived in France...yuck...and yuck!

    1. You can get normal stuff, too and we do. But honestly i cant even buy meat here! Curtis has to! Its too much for me!

  4. What did your boys think of the pigs and rabbits with their livers hanging out?

    1. They were excited by it all and interested, but also kind of grossed out! They didnt eant to eat any of it!

  5. Replies
    1. That was a basket of live shrimp and he came soooo close to dumping it everywhere!

  6. My sincerest thanks for not dedicating this post to me--this gives a whole new meaning to the concept of "food porn"! Judging by the look of bewilderment on Beckett's face I'm predicting that he'll be considering vegetarianism in the near future.

    1. I guess this is more like food BDSM! HAHA!i know we are all grossed out by this so I bet you are extra disgusted! Im pretty much a vegetarian here!
