Saturday, March 19, 2016

Le Apartment, Part Deux

From what I can tell, people are loving this blog. Not to brag but Im getting a solid one or two comments per post. Only half of those are from my dad.
I hope this link works. Brad Paisley singing "celebrity" pretty much sums it up.

I dont think the first apartment post captured all of the weirdness that is this apartment. 
I dont know how to arrange all of these pictures properly. The house is FULL of books. Many of them psychology textbooks. Swoon! Its like a curse tho because theyre all in French, hence, useless to me. I just learned Curtis can't stand upright at all upstairs because he is too tall. The bathroom door locks, my "French dyer" and those wine glasses are the only cups they have here! I feel ridiculous drinking milk out of them. Ill try to get a pic of Abe drinking out of one. Its way too amusing! There is a tiny room and couch that have a tv. And soo many topless women pieces of art. All over France- topless women art. I will do a post over nudity ive encountered at a later date. I promise to keep it PG.


  1. Too bad they don't have whole women in France. They are provided badly very short but there used to be complete women because I have seen then in movies!

    1. Haha very funny grandad. I mean women who do not have shirts on.

  2. ...just trying to keep up your average. You're welcome.

  3. Oh my goodness...that bathroom lock is a little creepy and so is the nude pic! And everyone drinking from the wine glasses is hilarious! Poor Curtis he is going to be a hunch back by the time you guys get home.

  4. Are all the books written in French? RUDE. That's just a big, fat tease.

    (the books, not the naked chick. I would never call her fat. Just squishy.)

    1. Amy there are literally thousands of book here and i have not seen a single book in English. It is the worst.
