Monday, March 21, 2016

Le Doctor

My fellow Americans, today I went to a French doctor. We found a doctor, via a website made for Americans living here (Toulouse is one of the top cities for Americans expats) that was English speaking.
There were two doctors who it looks like share a receptionist. When she heard us on the phone speaking in English, she knew which dr we were calling for. He had no openings for several days, but from 11-12:30 each day you could come in for emergencies and you seen in a first come, first serve basis. So we went and when we got there we were 7th in line. We didnt check in with anyone, there was just a room with a bunch of people sitting in it. Sobwe sat down and I asked if anyone spoke English and two people did and they said the doctor would come out when it was our turn.
We waited an hour and 15 minutes (not bad for no appointment). He spent about 15-20 minutes with each patient.
The doctor took my name and talked to me at his desk for a few minutes before taking me to his exam table. He was very professional and much like you would expect in America. He did not run any lab work. He was very thorough, still. He asked where else I had visited, if I had allergies since coming to France, etc.
He wrote me a rx for Augmenten (they call it like Augentine or something here but he knew the name I would know it by). He also wrote me a rx for tylenol and said not to take ibuprofen with the antibiotic.
He then asked if I had French medical and I said no we would be paying cash. He wrote me up a reciept in case I needed it "so the US could reimburse me." The total- $25 American Dollars.
I give my French doctor experience an A+ Gold Star.
I was super sneaky and took some pictures for all my blog fans. You're welcome.
The Doctor, the waiting room, the exam table, Curtis, who I think has some kind of narcolepsy.


  1. That was cheap! I'm glad you got it taken care of!

  2. Oh geez...hope you get to feeling better. Glad you got some meds for sure! Take care of you!

    1. Im actually still kind of sick and feverish, but the prescription tylenol helps a ton. Im definitely on the upswing

  3. Thought they would do a lab to make sure he knew what you had, but I don't keep up with doctoring, much. Glad you feel better.

    1. I do think it would have been very unnecessary, as i knew what i had even, but ivread they just dont run labs like we do in amirica. I did see he had some strep tests on the counter.

  4. $25 for a doctors visit! My last doctors appointment was $200 because I had not met my deductible. I guess universal healthcare does work after all! Who would've thought
