Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Paris Bound!

We have made it without incidence to Atlanta! Everyone is doing great and happy, but i will be taking bets on who cries first and when. I am gonna bet $20 on myself, that way, either way I'm kind of the winner. Beckett has a still screen, digital advertisement in front of him, so he is good til France. Myer says is going to sleep. Hahahahaha. These kids crack me up!


  1. I believe your boys will sleep(all 4 of them). B will be staring with his eyes open but will be asleep, A will be hungry, and M will make friends with every female on the plan and then complain about the attention. Working his way toward a million!!

    1. Grandad=oh so wrong. Beck, myer snd i did not sleep although beck fell asleep in the chair at baggage claim for about 4 minutes.

  2. I hope it granddad was correct!

    1. I wish he had been. Everyone said theyd sleep. These are the same people tho who thought as babies my kids wod fall asleep on car trips!
