Saturday, March 26, 2016

Japanese Garden

This post is for my follower Rachel C.! She runs like the wind, is so pretty that last year I saw her from a distance at a women's charity fundraiser and I literally gasped and I am convinced is made of utter steel. She is tougher than I ever want to be and she is one of my personal heros. She would love this park and would run around or bike it til I was blue in the face.
Today we took advantage of the perfect weather and went to a Japanese Garden. Every park I have ever been to here is always brimming with people!  There was a rock garden, bamboo, a guy with no shirt or shoes on, a pond and playground. All the adults just strolled around and lounged. Everyone here has a dog and theyre always very well behaved. Theyvwere selling ice cream and other junk nearby but none of the kids seemed to eat any of it and I never saw the kids eat anything and only saw them drink water. No one seemed to be in a hurry, I didn't see a single kid in a sports uniform anywhere in town making me think little league must not be a thing here. It seems people here have a lot more leisure time than I am used to in the states. Curtis was the only person with their face buried in their smart phone.


  1. Great pictures again. I Like the laid back atmosphere. Reminds me of Wann. We even had a park#

  2. Wow! What a beautiful garden minus the shirtless man. Heehee

  3. So pretty! I want to be there! Is this walking distance from you guys or are you taking le metro for most adventures?

    1. This was a metro ride. The other park wasnt. I hate le metro.

  4. So serene. And American, in France, in a Japanese garden. You should be crying joyful tears of culture overload.

  5. Hahahaha You have a misconstrued view of my athletic abilities! And also my appearance lol. This park sound like heaven on earth. People outdoors eating healthy and biking and running and dogs everywhere that behave!? MY DREAM
    Rachel C

    1. Im gonna do a whole post on the dogs. Its amazing. They ALL behave perfectly! Like way better than my kids. Its crazy.

    2. I can not wait for that post!! bring me home a dog...or 7
