Monday, April 4, 2016

My Tour de France

For Marlena, my spin classmate who gets me in trouble by the teacher for talking during class! I wish you were here to chat with me :)
I finally made it to the gym today! I was soooo sick for so long with strep when I got here and then I have had this horrible constant cough I was trying to beat that we finally realized as it progressed that it is allergies! I dont have allergies at home. My genetic carbon copy, my niece Rylee, is allergic to cats and although it was spotless when we got here, cat hair has begun seeping out of the pores of the apartment. My clothes even come out of the washer covered in cat hair. So apparently I am allergic to cats. I got some allergy meds at the pharmacy today and its already helping.
The man at the front desk spoke decent English at the first gym I tried so I decided that was the place for me! Its an all ladies gym, which is good cause, you know, the Frenchmen may lust after me, haha! It is a chain throughout the city and I can use any of them I choose. The best I could tell from our broken English conversation, I think there are group spin classes (my favorite) at another location that is a 10 minute walk from my place (this gym is about 50 yards away). They don't have a ton of heavy weights, so my trainer at home, Carrie, would have to bench press me or something, but it will work for me. I won't know what to lift because the weights were in kilograms! I am excited to go to a group aerobics class in French soon!
The gym looked like a typical American all ladies gym. Same equipment that you would expect to see. I almost cried happy tears when I figured out I can go into the big class area, choose on the computer any class (spin, abs, step, kickboxing, etc) and then do the workout alone with a pretaped video instructor! A lady employee with some English helped me pick a "classes of the bike." There was one lone bike and it was not as nice as Claremore Rec Center's, but it was a bike and I was happy! So although it was entirely in French, I just followed along best I could! We even did the same stretches as I do at the gym in Claremore! I do wish they had pricing as good as Inola Fitness (it was double!) but I am happy to have a place to workout so I am not such a bear to live with- and everyone who has to live with me says "Amen."


  1. That must be my problem as well, not working out. Need to try that one if these days!

    1. It should be easy cause I heard that you are a superior athlete!

  2. We recently purchased a water rowing machine. I'm really digging it. Like you, I am sooooo much less a bear when I exert energy and sweat. You are so thoughtful to avoid making French men lust after you. Selfless, indeed.

    1. Oh i would LOOOOVE to try that out when i get home!
