Saturday, April 9, 2016

Carcassonne Castle

For Misty, wife, mother, NICU nurse, aka super hero. Any mom, such as myself, who has been unfortunate enough to have a child in the NICU, knows these nurses are angels among us. Bless you. And Misty has seen me at Cinderella's castle, and knows how easy going I am on vacation (I hope the sarcasm translates well via the blog).
Today we rented a car (it was not Curtis sized) and drove about and hour south to the fortified city of Carcassonne. It isn't just a castle, but an entire city inside walls. It is built on top of a big hill and had a beautiful view (although I think their concern was more for safety from rivals more than a pretty view). Three locals recommended we go, so we did! It is the largest fortified medieval city in Europe and the castle is 12th century. The cathedral on site was began 1,000 years ago!
There wasnt a ton of historical info that I noticed. Almost all of my info on it came from Wikipedia.  So if you're interested, Google it! It may be because I wouldnt pay the $8 per person to go inside the Chateau part. The whole place was very touristy and most every building had arts and craps for sale and restraunts were everywhere. 
I will admit, there was a LOT of anxiety in my part about the trio, but I promise it was justified, and I'm a therapist, I would know. Curtis' driving+my control freak personality=oh my. Curtis had to take the Oklahoma drivers test at age 20 when his Missouri license expired and all of his friends and my family and I told him he would fail it and he did! When he drove me around LA last year my right hamstring was sore for days from stomping my invisible break. Within 3 minutes of driving in France someone honked at us and then rolled down their window to curse at us... the person was a POLICE OFFICER!! That isnt the only honks we got, but it was my favorite. Two hours into driving with him I asked what a French stop sign looked like and he said "Hmm, I don't know. I wonder...?" I seriously was so stressed out that for long periods I would just close my eyes and hope for the best. Oh, Curtis, God love him. I know I do.
The drive was very pretty. Mostly rural farms and vineyards. I was surprised to see snow capped mountains in the distance (the Pyrenees Mountains)!


  1. Well, no wonder the boys didn't know the name of the castle when Angela asked them.

    1. Curtis thinks it is pronounced carcus-on. But he says our subway stop way way way wrong so who knows.

  2. Pictures are great! I concur that the best thing for when C drives is just to trust and go with it!!

    1. Curt told the kids you could teach them all about the middle ages and they said "yeah he knows lots about all the wars that happened. He learned all that stuff in the army i think..."

  3. I think this is my favorite post. That castle! I wanna see something 1,000 years old. Heck, I'd settle for 500 years old. Gorgeous.
    And just hearing about Curtis' driving gave me anxiety. For real. I would need to be medicated.

    1. Im 100 % serious when i say that medication has been discussed. And liquor. I asked curtis if I could just get wine and get a bit buzzed but he said and i quote "we should probably find out first if you would be a mean drunk" and i said "oh i mighr be i bet" and he nodded. So i guess i need pills.

    2. I took dramamine in Colorado when we drove the million dollar highway and it KNOCKED ME OUT. It was wonderful.

    3. Unconcious is definitely my preferred state of being in these situations.

  4. I'm glad you survived the car ride! I love the picture of all of you guys! So cute!

  5. Oh my gosh! Hilarious commentary on the driving and the pic of C in the car is pretty funny too. Amazing castle and great pics of you and the crew....looks like you guys are having some fun times along with some anxiety, lol

  6. What a fun adventure! You souls like me though with Ryan driving! Glad you all survived!

    1. There were times I had my doubts that we would! I didn't know Ryan was wild driver!

    2. There were times I had my doubts that we would! I didn't know Ryan was wild driver!

  7. This absolutely cracks me up. Curtis and that car! It sounds like Beckett would have probably been a better and safer driver. The castle looks so cool!! Love seeing the family pictures.

    1. Beckett wpuld be a very safe and cautious driver. And he would fit much better in the drivers seat!

  8. hahahahahaha you better google "french stop sign" before you go driving again!!!! Rachel C

  9. Super are so funny! I think I would have been very stressed to ride with Dustin in a different country! I can imagine it was way more stressful then Disney world! Looks like you all are having a great time. Everything looks so beautiful there!
