Saturday, April 16, 2016

It's True; They're Rude

For my sister, aka Aunt Ang, who I think would learn lots of French real quick is this happened to her a few times. Curtis says our family crest is an angry fist shouting "I WANT TO TALK TO THE MANAGER!" We just have a high need for justice and fairness.
The French, who overall have been plenty kind to me. Most I interact with don't realize I am not French (they all know Curtis isn't but that's another blog post). When they do, they usually think I am Bristish. To answer Amy Williams' question, people have been welcoming. I truly believe people are people everywhere you go. People at markets and stores are quite kind, as they love for me to spend my Euros in their shops. People like money- that seems pretty universal. No wonder Jesus talked about it so much.
There is one thing the French do that boggles my mind. They will cut right in front of you (or other French) in line with no shame. Never a word is said about it by anyone. They cut in line at the super market, in line for subways, to be the next to get on elevators, everywhere. They will cut in front of my kids to get to the bathroom first.
Curtis said they dont make lines, they just crowd around and whoever wants in the most is next, like our kids would organize turn taking. I disagree.
The other day while waiting to buy my lunch at a kebab shop a woman walked in and walked in front of me and the lady in front of me and pretended she didn't see either of us. I just stared at her, like a wolf (my old boss made us watch The Dog Wisperer. Whoever is the calmest like an intense wolf is always alpha) and when we finally made eye contact, she silent turned around and got behind me in the line! Thanks, Dog Wisperer and Dr. Greg McCarty, Ph.D.
I googled it and the French cutting in line is a thing they do here. I can not imagine being in line at Walmart in the states and someone walks up and puts their groceries on the conveyer belt in front of a line of 4 peope (this happened at the grocery store yesterday here) and no one including the clerk saying a word.
I offered $20 one time to cut in line at the Rustic Cuff store and couldn't find a taker. Little did I know I could do it for free. And here are some pictures of my morning run because every post needs pictures.


  1. LOL! I love that you were channeling Dr. Greg at the kebab shop. I'm so conflict-averse I'd probably never get anything accomplished in France if it involved having to defend my rightful place in line!

    1. They never say anything. When the French want to defend their olace they just move and physically block the other person. It truly does just floor me each time it happens.

  2. Glad you started your case even if you did it silently. And your blogs do need pics. I like them.

  3. It would be very untynerlike of me to let somethinf loke that slide...

  4. I bet if their were Rustic Cuff stores there, no one would allow cutting in life. You know how cut throat people are about their Rustic Cuff's. I love your running scenery. It is so gorgeous.
    Miss ya and love ya, Amanda

    1. You know that's right. Those rustic cuff ladies don't play. Love you!

  5. China is that way too. If you aren't touching the person in front of you then that seems to mean you aren't in line. We learned that pretty quickly. There was no personal space there.

    1. Yeah they expect much less personal space than i am used to.

  6. Yikes! I couldn't handle that.
    Rachel C

    1. It really doesn't make me angry as much as completely shocked each time. I am in awe of it.
