Wednesday, May 4, 2016


For Mrs. Younger's 1st grade class! Beckett misses you guys and we hope we can run into each of you this summer sometime! Beckett says his school in France is not as much fun as Inola's school, even thought there are guinea pigs and goats! He is glad they don't speak French for half the day in Mrs. Younger's class, like they do here!
We saw this cow statue at a park! We took a picture with it. Even people in France like longhorns! Beckett was even wearing a Longhorn's baseball cap!
Hope you guys all have a good rest of the year and am so thankful we have such a great school with great teachers to come back to. See you in second grade!


  1. School can be great when you have great teachers. From what you and B tell me you are quite fortunate! Glad his cap is from Inola and NOT from UT!!

    1. Lisa is a UT grad and we like her, so we dont discriminate about out longhorns!
