Sunday, March 27, 2016


I hope everyone is having a great Easter today! Ours has been great. It started off with a text from Cambry of her beautiful solo she sang Thursday (I've asked that she and Hanna keep me in the loop of all their pretty music and was so honored that she did!). So I will dedicate this post to my email suscriber Katie! She, like Cambry and Hanna, has one of the most beautiful singing voices I have ever heard. The first time I heard her I actually teared up. Why she isnt working as a Disney Princess singing voice somewhere I will never know. And this post is for her because twice Ive been to French church and twice they started a good 15 minutes late and people still trickled in after that, and only the mother of 3 young children like Katie and I could truly, truly appreciate a flexible church start time! Katie, I hope you enjoy this post!
French church today was exactly like American church, save the fact that it was entirely in French :) I couldn't help but notice different people doing different roles and then Id think of the American I know who does the same job! I saw the French Hanna singing, the French Cambry who came alive whenever she sang. The French Kendall who stood next to them and kind of moved her mouth. The French Curtis who worked the sound booth and had recruited a high school kid to help. The French pastor Michael and the French John Vick is my friend Florence. They even had a pretty brunette who taught children's sunday school like Amanda.
The there 3 adult baptisms today which was beautiful and moving. They did full immersion using a little pool they'dset up on stage. The one difference is I think the communion juice was wine! A quick google search told me today's sermon title was "God Welcomes Everyone. And You?"
They had a nursery and they both were English-speaking ladies, so my kids went for a bit when they got bored. They sang the French version of "Lord I Lift Your Name on High" and "On Christ Alone." Beckett and I were so excited and sang it in English very loudly!
I also loved seeing a new mother nursing openly with no cover and no one paid it any mind. I love how normal feeding babies is in France.
We have an egg hunt planned for later today and everything is closed today (I guess it is every Sunday) and tomorrow for Easter Monday.
Happy Easter!


  1. Sounds interesting. Did the kids bring their bibles? I certainly can believe that B sang in church. To bad you could not have found the English speaking church, yet!!enjoy the day!!

    1. They have childrens Bibles but not their own here. Florence told us about two English Speaking Churches, but we were happy to go there today. Later we will go to the English ones. One is Anglican (who the Methodists broke away from)

  2. I love everything about this post...sounds like such a lovely Easter!
    And you KNOW I love that you mentioned a nursing mama in the post dedicated to me! ;-) I was feeding Charlie at the Children's Science center the other day and another momma caught my eye and gave me a big thumbs up...didn't say a word to me, but that little show of support meant so much!

    1. Nursing mamas nurse here uncovered and with abandon. It is refreshing!

  3. I had to sing the last hymn on my own today (Cambry was preparing for the egg hunt) but it was all good, my favorite hymn "Because He Lives" 😇 We also sang "Lord I Lift Your Name On High" during children's moment! We miss you!!!!!!!

    1. I cant believe we sang the same song on different continents! And you dont need cambry to sing! You sound great with or without anyone else!

  4. That sound so awesome! I can picture you guys singing in English lol I would have too!
    Rachel C

    1. I told people "oh my singing is very beautiful in MY culture..."

    2. lol!! genius
